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Lakewood Pavers


Phone (562) 270-1914
Address 5041 Lakewood Blvd,
Lakewood, CA 90712 United States


At Lakewood Pavers, we're dedicated to transforming your outdoor spaces into captivating, functional, and enduring areas that you'll cherish for years to come. Located in the heart of Lakewood, CA, we specialize in a wide range of paving services, including Patio Pavers, Driveway Pavers, Outdoor Pavers, and expert Paver Installation Services. Our team of skilled professionals combines craftsmanship with creativity to bring your vision to life. With a commitment to quality and attention to detail, we use top-notch materials to ensure your paver projects not only look stunning but also withstand the test of time. Whether it's a welcoming driveway, an inviting patio, or a scenic outdoor oasis, Lakewood Pavers is your trusted partner in paving excellence.

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